Chronic knee pain is becoming an increasingly more common condition that many people face in today’s society. Especially as the blue collar workforce ages, many employees suffer from severe knee pain brought on or exacerbated by the duties of their job. Many of these workers are able to file for workers compensation if the environment or working conditions are negligently at fault for their pain.

Knee pain can hinder our ability to go about our daily lives and participate in favorite hobbies. Chiropractic care can be helpful in the treatment and management of chronic knee pain. Here we have provided information in a question and answer format about chronic knee pain, and how chiropractic medicine may be a great choice for you.  If you find that you need a professional diagnosis, do not hesitate to contact a knee pain doctor Bethesda MD relies on,  for treatment.

When should I see a chiropractor for my chronic knee pain?

It is never too soon to see a chiropractor in regards to treatment for chronic knee pain. It may be time to try a chiropractic approach to your condition if any of the following applies to you:

  1. Your knee pain is preventing you from performing activities and sports.
  2. The painkillers, muscle relaxers or other prescription medications from your primary doctor have not led to long-term improvements.
  3. You have been diagnosed with arthritis and were told not much else can be done to alleviate the pain.

What is the primary cause of knee joint pain?

The knee is a complex joint that needs the support of connecting ligaments and muscles in order to function at its best. The knee joint is composed of the parts listed below:

  • Tibiofemoral joint (located between the thigh and lower leg)
  • Patellofemoral joint (located between the thigh and knee cap)
  • Muscles & ligaments (provides knee with stability)
  • Menisci (two ring shaped cartilage discs)

What factors are taken into consideration during a chiropractic evaluation?

When the knee is in pain, all the nearby areas need to be examined for alignment, in addition to the knee itself. A chiropractor may take a look at the lower back, hip, ankles, feet and spine. In addition to identifying current body misalignments, a chiropractor may ask for a medical history and perform x-ray imaging in order to help determine the most accurate diagnosis.

Why are areas besides the knee examined as part of knee pain treatment?

Treating the knee in addition to other joints, muscles and ligaments related to this area is common. This approach is for many reasons. One, for certain conditions, pain can transfer from the lower back, hip and pelvis into the knee. Secondly, if the lower limb joints are not properly functioning, it can put added pressure onto the knee joint. Our body system is all linked together, so when one area is not in proper position, others can be affected too.

What is the goal of chiropractic treatment?

The overall goal of chiropractic care is to get the body into proper alignment through performing manipulations of problem areas. Chiropractic adjustments of the knee can reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, repair joint function, increase blood flow and loosen stiffness. Many patients seek a chiropractic doctor due to looking for another option besides surgery. They may have been told by their primary doctor that going through an operation is the only resource left in an effort towards recovery. Chiropractic adjustments can be a drug-free and alternative method of healing.

Thank you to the doctors at the Pain Arthritis Relief Center for providing insight on chronic knee pain.

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