Nursing Home Negligence in Idaho
What is Nursing Home Negligence?
When an elderly person is moved into a nursing home, it’s usually a good thing; she will receive the care and attention she needs. Unfortunately, when you are trusting another party to care for a loved one, a caregiver may take advantage of the power he has been given. While moving your elderly family member into a nursing home should be beneficial, abuse is a concern. An estimated 30% of Idaho nursing facilities engage in some form of abuse/neglect. If you believe that your elderly family member is a victim of abuse, it’s imperative that you seek legal advice as soon as possible. Your loved one is being exploited, and may not have the courage or strength to fight against it.
Types of Nursing Home Neglect
The main types of nursing home neglect/abuse are as follows:
Physical Abuse – If a caregiver is using unnecessary force on the elderly resident that results in pain or injury. Pushing, hitting, and inappropriate use of drugs, restraints, or confinement are all different types of elderly physical abuse.
Emotional Abuse – When a caregiver is speaking down to the elderly resident. When the elderly person is made to feel intimidated, humiliated, ignored, terrorized, etc.
Sexual Abuse – Any physical contact with the elderly without the elder’s consent. Other forms of sexual abuse include: An elderly person forced look at pornography, asked to strip down, or forced to watch sexual acts.
Financial Abuse – When a caregiver handles an elderly’s expenses when he is not authorized to do so. Misusing personal checks, steal cash, forge the elder’s signature, identity theft, etc.
Signs of Nursing Home Negligence
Sometimes it is difficult to recognize elder abuse and neglect. The elder may feel too frail to fight back, or may not understand that she id being abused. There are some common symptoms that may point to abuse. Some of those symptoms include:
- Symptoms of dementia;
- Tension between the elderly person and his/her caregiver;
- Changes in personality/behavior;
- Unexplained bruises or scars;
- Broken bones, sprains, dislocations;
- Signs of being restrained;
- The caregiver gives excuses as to why you can’t see elderly alone;
- Sudden changes in elderly person’s financial situation;
- Evidence of overmedication or undermedication;
- And more.
Speak with an Idaho Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer
Don’t allow your elderly family member to go through abuse. If, for any reason, you believe that your loved one is being abused: call the head of the nursing home, call the authorities, and call Injury In Idaho. Injury In Idaho, a nursing home negligence attorney in Idaho, will conduct a thorough investigation, and provide you and your elderly family member with the support you will need. Holding those responsible for their wrongdoings will help provide you and your elderly family member with a sense of closure. Defend the rights of your elderly family member and call Idaho nursing home negligence lawyer Injury In Idaho today for a free, confidential consultation.