It can be fun to trade in your daily driver for a commute by motorcycle. However, it should come as no surprise that a motorcycle presents more safety concerns and potential risks. Motorcyclists are twenty-seven times more prone to death by road accident than people who drive cars. The cause of these deaths is usually failure to observe simple safety rules on the road. Here are three tips to improve motorcycle safety.
Avoid Impaired Driving
Obviously, you should avoid getting on the bike after drinking or taking medications that could affect your ability to ride. However, some people ignore signs of fatigue and lack of sleep. This is also impaired driving. Listen to your body and always think twice before operating your bike. Driving a car requires a lot less of an operator, a motorcycle needs your attention to shifting, braking and balancing which can be extremely difficult when you are tired. Take breaks when needed and be sure you are alert and aware.
Consider Classes to Keep Your Skills Sharp
Riders that keep improving upon their skills are able to react appropriately and plan for unexpected obstacles. They are more likely to avoid accidents prior to them happening and in the moment. The more you participate in classes and training, the better your skills become and the more you increase your chances of arriving home safely after a ride.
Consider the skills taught in the classes provided by The Motorcycle Safety Foundation
- Braking and steering safely
- Adjusting your riding to different surfaces and on different terrain.
- Road signs and how to follow them.
- Emergency maneuvers and avoiding obstacles.
- Proper balancing techniques.
Performing Regular Maintenance and Looking Out for Faulty Equipment
If you have issues with the mechanics of your bike then you are in for a world of trouble. Faulty engine, electrical issues or non functional brakes are all problems you should be looking out for. Here are some consequences of not attending to these problems right away:
- An engine failure in the middle of a busy intersection or highway has the potential to cause a fatal crash. If you detect any issues, take it straight to the mechanic.
- Brake failure is a pretty obvious danger in all situations. Check your fluids regularly to avoid potentially lethal accidents.
- Your tires should be in good condition and changed periodically. Bald or worn tires can cause serious accidents and are easily avoidable.
Be Aware of and Follow Traffic Rules
The rules are there for a reason and some rules were created just for motorcycles. It is best to comply with the rules at all times to maximize your safety. Motorcycles are the most vulnerable vehicles on the road. This goes back to the motorcycle safety classes as well, they can prepare you or refresh you for road rules.
If you have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident that was not your fault, then you may be entitled to compensation. Contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer, like motorcycle accident lawyer , today to discuss your particular injuries.