If you’ve been injured on the job, it’s important to know you can turn to a workers compensation lawyer for sound legal advice. We know that work-related injuries can be especially difficult to deal with, and it’s not always easy to file a workers compensation claim while you’re trying to recover. We want injured workers to remember that they can turn to our firm when they need a dependable workers compensation lawyer.

What is workers compensation?

Workers compensation, or “workers comp” for short, operates very much like an insurance policy. The majority of employers are required to pay into a workers compensation policy in case one of their employees is injured during work-related duties and needs financial assistance. If an employee is injured, they alert their employer of the injury and file a claim with the employer’s workers compensation provider. The claim is processed and, if it is accepted, the injured worker will receive financial compensation for things like medical bills, doctor visits, and lost wages from time off work.

Although the large majority of employers are legally required to have a workers compensation policy, it’s important to note that individual states govern these regulations. Some states allow certain employers to be exempt from workers compensation. For more information about these exemptions, don’t hesitate to contact a  workers compensation lawyer.

The Benefits of Workers Compensation

Both employers and employees can benefit from workers compensation. Employees benefit because they may receive financial compensation for a work-related injury regardless of how the injury occurred — i.e., even if they caused the injury through their own negligence, the claim could still be valid. Employers benefit because once an employee files a workers comp claim, this employee cannot later sue the company for additional financial compensation.

Rejected Workers Compensation Claims

Many workers compensation claims are rejected each year, and this happens for a variety of reasons. Sometimes claims are denied because there is not enough evidence proving that the employee was actually injured on the job; other times, claims are rejected merely because of a paperwork error.

If you’ve already filed a claim and it has been rejected, or if you fear that your claim might be rejected, it’s a good idea to speak with a workers compensation lawyer. It may be possible to file an appeal and have the claim reconsidered. In rare cases, it’s also possible to pursue compensation through a civil suit. If you believe that your claim falls outside the typical workers compensation standards, be sure to speak with a workers comp lawyer about possible legal action.

Every employee has the right to file a workers comp claim if they’ve been injured on the job and if their employer pays into a workers compensation policy. It is illegal for employers to discourage an injured employee from filing a claim or punish an employee after they have filed a claim. If you face either of these forms of discrimination, contact a lawyer immediately.

Contact a Workers Comp Lawyer Today

If you’ve been injured on the job, you don’t have to face a workers compensation claim alone. In the event that you feel that you need legal advice, do not hesitate to contact Milwaukee work injury lawyer at any time.

Thank you to Hickey & Turim SC for providing great insight on workers compensation.

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