Why Neglect Occurs at Nursing Homes

Nursing homes have been providing a safe and more comfortable way of life for their residents for years or at least they claim to. They are generally used for elderly people who are in need of extra care that have become difficult to be met outside of a facility like this. A nursing home can help you or your loved one out with memory care, medicine administering, social events with other residents and much more. While these homes have undoubtedly been incredibly effective in helping folks in need of help, they have been known from time to time to neglect their residents. When neglect happens at a nursing home, it’s very important to know how to proceed forward. 

Why Does Neglect Occur?

Neglect can happen to your loved one at a nursing home for a few different reasons. One of the most common reasons is due to lack of staffing at the nursing home. When staff feel overwhelmed due to inadequate staffing levels this can lower morale and add to the workload of everyone who works at the nursing home. This is why it is crucial that the staff has adequate personnel and that they are also properly trained. Without the proper training, neglect can happen to not just one resident, but many. This is why if you are looking for a nursing home for yourself or a loved one to live at, it’s very important that the home has enough staff on hand and that all of the proper protocols are in place to bring about good care. 

How to Know if Neglect is Happening

Abuse is something that is a bit easier to see happening compared to neglect. This is because with abuse you can often see bruise marks or cuts on a person. If abuse is occurring where your loved one is actually being threatened or having violent acts done to them, then you should call the police or other authorities. Legal counsel may also be needed. If you are looking for a nursing home neglect lawyer in NJ, then lawyers from a firm like Davis & Brusca, LLC may be able to give you a hand.

As for neglect, this is a bit harder to see on the surface. You should always listen to your loved one if they are telling you stories about lack of nutrition, care or other issues that they bring up. Along with this, it’s important to know that they are getting proper exercise and are not just stuck in bed all day. If they have chronic bedsores then this may be a sign of neglect on behalf of the nursing home not ensuring they get enough exercise.

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