Accident Attorney

For those who have no idea what workers compensation is all about, can probably benefit from reading the article below. Here, we have provided a definition, examples and other facts about this very useful program. Whether you are just starting to join the workforce or have been employed for years, the information here may be completely new or a nice refresher. Either way, please read on to find out about workers compensation benefits!

What is the definition of workers compensation?

Workers compensation is a state-mandated program that offers medical care benefits to workers who have endured work-related injuries and/or illnesses. In general, the intention of a workers compensation program is to provide coverage for employees who are hurt or become ill on the job regardless of who was at-fault. But, there are actually a few factors that could result in a claim denial.

What kind of situations can result a claim denial?

An employee may be denied workers compensation coverage if they were found to have been intoxication, intentionally caused the injury or illness, or were a breaking a law when the accident occurred.

Do all states and workplaces offer this program?

Every state may have different laws pertaining to workers compensation benefits. Not every workplace offers this type of coverage to employees. Whether an employer is required to have a workers compensation program in place depends on how many employees work at the company, the nature of the work being done, and the type of business. Those who work as seasonal employees, farm workers, or domestic employees may not be eligible for workers compensation benefits.

What if I get hurt or sick at work?

If you get injured or become ill while at work, it is recommended that you report what happened to your employer right away. Some workers may not report the incident immediately out of fear they will be blamed for the accident. Or, a worker may think the injury or illness is not serious and will go away on its own.  

What if I was not at the job location when the injury happened?

If you were not at work when the injury or illness occurred, then you will probably not receive workers compensation benefits. The only exceptions may be if an accident arose while you were traveling for the business, at a company-hosted event or maybe running an errand for your employer. You can speak with your employer or a legal professional about the rules of workers compensation benefits for your state, so you know what specifically applies to you.

In what situations would an attorney be useful?

It can be helpful to meet with a workers comp attorney New York trusts if you filed a workers compensation claim and felt your paperwork was not handled properly, were wrongly denied coverage, or did not receive the amount you feel was deserved. The majority of workers probably have good faith that their employer will handle their claim with respect and diligence. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. An employer may attempt to save the company money by intentionally mishandling your paperwork, submitting it late, or otherwise being careless.



Thank you to our friends and contributors at Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. for their insight into workers compensation claims and benefits.

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