Injury In Idaho

What Compensation can I Get for my Motorcycle Accident?

Personal Injury Lawyer

Motorcycle riders face unique risks in the event of an accident. When that happens, call an attorney immediately to ensure you receive all compensation that you’re eligible for.

What are common motorcycle accident injuries?

Motorcycle injuries can be life-threatening. Riders are exposed to the elements and other vehicles, with very little protection.

Common injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Head trauma
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Abrasions and bruises
  • Burn injuries
  • Facial injuries

If you or a loved one is suffering from any of these, or something else, in a motorcycle crash, you need to call an attorney today. If you believe the accident was caused by another driver, you may be able to recover damages.

What compensation can I get?

While every case is different, there are some common expenses or types of damages that can be recovered. When you’re injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve to recover compensation.

Here are some common expenses and damages that can be recovered:

  • Medical expenses: these could include reimbursement for past expenses, and consider future expenses. All health care treatment directly related to the accident can be submitted.
  • Pain and suffering: sometimes motorcycle riders are not required to carry Personal Injury Insurance Protection (PIP). Pursuing pain and suffering damages helps to fill this gap, weighing the nature of the injury and duration and extent of pain.
  • Lost wages: motorcycle accident victims can recover the compensation they would have received at their jobs had they not been out of work for their recovery.
  • Mental anguish: sometimes, the effects of a motorcycle accident can be long-lasting as it impacts your mental health. You and your family may be feeling worry, anxiety or embarrassment.

What types of injury claims are there for motorcycle accident victims?

After an accident that was not your fault, the insurance company for the at-fault driver will immediately begin speaking to you and trying to get you to settle. Their offer may seem like fast, easy money, but not so fast. Does it consider everything we just listed? Future medical expenses, lost wages and mental anguish?

Usually, it doesn’t.

Your attorney can directly handle these insurance negotiations to ensure you get all that you deserve.

In the event the other driver exhibited negligence, it may be possible to pursue a negligence case against them. In some cases, a defective part of your motorcycle or the other vehicle involved could have led to the accident. This may mean you can pursue a lawsuit against the manufacturer.

Product liability defects include defective tires, brakes, fuel systems or accelerators.

Working with An Attorney

Every personal injury case is unique. Even if you do not believe your accident checks all of the boxes we have listed, does not mean you shouldn’t call us. A Woodland Hills motorcycle accident lawyer can discuss your options with you.



Thank you to our friends and contributors at Barry P. Goldberg for their insight into motorcycle accidents and personal injury cases.

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