With the increasing awareness over the years, most of us know just how deadly being on a cell phone can be for ourselves and those who share the road with us. This small device has the power to ruin lives when used while behind the wheel of a vehicle. Despite the many warnings and public knowledge, accidents still happen on a daily basis due to this device. So, it is the device itself that is so dangerous or how we as a society have habitually come to use it? In the article here, we have explored this question in further detail below.

What is it about cellular phones that causes us to be so distracted?

Even though we know it is a bad habit, we may be tempted to use our cell phone while driving. It may only take a second or two to check an email, text or our social media accounts. However, this is plenty of time for the driver to unknowingly disobey the rules of the road and cause an accident. Cell phones may be such a tempting device to use as distraction, stemming from our need for a quick entertainment fix. Because we are so connected as a society to this little handy device, we may be less inclined to simply be in the moment as it is.

What can someone do to help break the habit of driving while using their phone?

Awareness of your tendencies is the very first step to breaking the habit. Because checking our cell phone has become so automatic, we may not even truly realize we are doing it as often as we are. If someone wants to be better about not using their phone while driving, they can practice these tips:

  • Always keep your cell phone on silent (not vibrate) or off & locked in the glove box as you are driving. Even on vibrate, you may be distracted by the sound of your phone buzzing. It may be best to just turn it all the way off.
  • If in the midst of a text, email or other conversation, simply let the other person know you are about to drive and will get back to him or her once arrived at your destination. Chances are, this person will appreciate that you chose to not drive distractedly. This person also probably does not want to be partially the reason you got into an accident, if it was their message you responded to.
  • Try to be less attached to your cell phone even when not in the car. Part of the reason a person may feel so tempted to check their phone is if they do so on a regular basis regardless of what situation they are in.

What should I do if someone hit me while being on their phone?

You can sue the driver at-fault for your injuries, loss of pay from missing work, vehicle repairs and more. It is recommended that you consult with a Truck Collision Lawyer residents rely on about your case for an evaluation and how to go about filing a civil lawsuit.



Thank you to our friends and contributors at JOHNSTON | MARTINEAU, PLLP for their insight into car accidents.

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