Car Accident Lawyer

There is much excitement and anticipation regarding self-driving cars. Several companies are currently testing these vehicles in various locations around the country. However, as with many new technologies, there are also legal issues that will need to be determined as these vehicles become part of our everyday lives. One of these important issues concerns liability in the event of a car accident, especially one in which victims have been injured.

New Technology

Many auto manufacturers already have semi-autonomous features available in the vehicles already available to the public, such as automatic braking, detection of blind spots, and assistance in parking. However, as we get closer to the day that fully self-driving cars (also referred to as autonomous vehicles) are available to purchase, the following questions will need to be answered:

  • Will drivers need a special driver in order to own a self-driving vehicle?
  • Will these vehicles need special registration/license plate or have some kind of markings to identify them as autonomous vehicles?
  • Will these vehicles require different types of accident liability insurance and what types of rates will be charged?
  • If an autonomous vehicle is involved in a crash, who is the at-fault party?
  • If an autonomous vehicle is involved in a crash, who would receive the traffic violation citation if the vehicle was in self-driving mode at the time of the crash?

It is predicted that once autonomous vehicles are on the road, the number of car accidents will decrease because there will not be as much human error involved. But the legal question that will need to be addressed is does this transfer the liability in the event of accidents to the vehicle manufacturer instead of the vehicle operator.

Another question that needs to be addressed has to do with implementing cybersecurity in order to hacking that could cause issues with the electronic systems that run self-driving cars.

Moving Forward

There have been crash incidents involving self-driving vehicles that are still in testing stages. As more and more companies receive permission for testing, there will be more of these vehicles on the road.

If you are injured in a crash involving a self-driving vehicle – or any other type of vehicle – a car accident lawyer Memphis, TN residents trust to find out how they can help get you the financial compensation you deserve. Your attorney will evaluate your case to determine if you are eligible for compensation for medical expenses, lost wage, pain, suffering, emotional anguish, and more.



Thank you to our friends and contributors at Darrell Castle & Associates, PLLC for their insight into car accidents and compensation.

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