Planning for your big moving day can be a tedious and complicated task. The excitement of being approved for a home can be quickly clouded by the realization that the next step is hauling all your items to this new location. Depending on your energy level, abilities, time and money, you may be thinking about hiring workers who are experienced in moving as an option. It can alleviate a substantial amount of stress having other professionals move things for you, so you can spend more time completing other necessary tasks.
If decide to load all of your treasures by yourself, take into consideration these tips before lifting, pushing, bending and hauling your belongings to and from. Moving your body in even the slightest of wrong ways can quickly lead to a painful injury that needs medical treatment.
Proper Moving Attire
Wear clothes that are comfortable and not tight-fitting. But be wary that too loose of sleeves and pant legs can get snagged on corners or edges. Opt for footwear that offers durability and flexibility, like a reliable pair of running shoes. It may be useful to wear hiking boots that provide support for your ankles and good traction. Keep hair out of your face, so it does not become a distraction or impair your vision.
Organizing the Moving Space
After filling boxes with your belongings, organize them based on weight. Move heavier boxes to one side, and lighter to the other. Mark more fragile boxes with labels, so those helping you know which boxes need to be treated more carefully.
Hire Professionals to Move Hefty Items
Large belongings such as a piano, washer/dryer, cabinets, entertainment centers and frames/art can be difficult to move by yourself, or even with the help of friends or family. It may be better use of your time and energy to hire professionals, who are seasoned in the art of moving things safely and strategically. A professional mover can also supply the tools or equipment required to move these items with more ease.
Keep a First Aid Kit Available
For the more minor injuries, it can be handy to have a well-stocked first aid kit. It is recommended that you fill your first aid kit with the following elements:
- Various sized bandaids
- Antibiotic ointment
- Antiseptic spray
- Scissors
- Alcohol swabs
- Medical gloves
- Sterile eye wash solution
- Adhesive tape
- Hand towels
- Tweezers
- Thermometer
- Pain relief medicine
- Distilled water
- Sterile eye dressings
What to Do If You are Injured
For injuries that surpass what a first aid kit can offer, you should see a doctor right away. When bulky and unwieldy items are being moved around, it can be easy to suffer a head, back or neck injury. If a moderate to severe injury is left untreated, it can lead to more serious conditions. Your injury may require an x-ray, blood work or further diagnostics to determine severity. Many people do not want to risk physical injury, and prefer to hire moving companies often recommends instead.