When motorcyclists get out onto the streets, they should have safety in mind at all times. A motorcyclist should never assume they are seen by another driver, and always air on the side of caution. Motorcyclists are significantly more likely to be involved in a fatal accident if they were to get hit by a car. While the odds of being in a crash should not discourage a passionate rider entirely, he or she should just practice safety whenever possible. Here in this article, we have listed a few major tips that may one day save your life. We have also talked briefly about what to do if you are ever struck by a car, and how an attorney could be of influential assistance.

What are some tips that can help lessen my chances of being hit by a car?

A motorcyclist that practices safety tactics can decrease the likelihood of being part of a major collision. Riders simply do not have a protective body like a car driver does that can act as a wall of defense in the event of a crash. And, car drivers are often distracted, speedy or otherwise driving without care. So, a rider must take safety into their very own hands to help ensure an injury-free trip. Here are some safety tips that a rider should consider:

  1. Always making eye contact with car drivers before making a move on the road.
  2. Do not rely on a car driver to accurately estimate the distance between you, and them.
  3. Let drivers that are driving too close behind you pass, so you do not end up being rear-ended if they become distracted or road raged.
  4. Be wary when vehicles are turning left at intersections, as that is one of the most common ways a rider gets hit.
  5. Avoid riding during severe weather which makes the road slippery.
  6. Slow down around turns, as to not overshoot the road.
  7. Invest in a quality helmet that meets standards of safety, and never buy a used helmet (there’s no way for you to know the kind of wear and tear it went through with the previous owner).
  8. Protect your face and eyes from splatters of water, excessive heat, debri flying in the air, and insects by buying a full-face helmet that already has a built-in shield.
  9. Wear bright clothing and reflective gear, so you are more easily visible to car drivers (especially at night).

What should I do if I am hit by a car while out for a ride?

If you are hit by a car while out on a motorcycle ride, do not hop back onto your bike right after. You should call for police and an ambulance so you can receive the injury care you need. It is rare for a motorcyclist to walk away without any physical wounds after being clipped by a vehicle. Do not permit the driver to leave the scene without an officer taking over the situation first. Then, you should consider meeting with a motorcycle accident lawyer DC trusts about seeking compensation for your medical costs and damages.

Thank you to our friends and contributos at The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn for their insight into motorcycle accidents.

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