Truck Accident Lawyer

Many victims of commercial truck accidents know there are potential legal consequences to their actions after the collision; however, what most people don’t realize is how one small mistake could have a big impact on their case and its outcome. Hiring a good truck accident lawyer could save you from the repercussions of a mistake you made, but some are unfixable.

As a truck accident lawyer, we have seen firsthand how people can blinder their case before it’s filed. We understand that mistakes do happen, and there should be no feelings of regret, especially because unless you have legal experience in personal injury law, there’s really no way to actually know you’re making a mistake about something. What can be done is to try to educate yourself about what not to do in a truck accident lawsuit. The following are practical tips that may help you. When you’re ready please give our firm a call.

Mistakes Truck Accident Victims Should Avoid Making

You should not try to be your own truck accident lawyer. Even if you understand basic laws and the U.S. legal system does not actually  mean you are equipped with the knowledge and experience needed to represent yourself. A lawyer spends 3 years in law school, passes the bar, and the accumulates years of experience – this makes a big difference. You might think you have a clear-cut case, but you still have to prove what you believe is true, and in a way that is in-line with the legal procedures of the court. If you fail to take these steps, or attempt to present evidence against the rules of evidence, you could lose your case.

Avoid sending your medical bills and records to the defending party. By default, any medical records cannot be admitted in court. You also must prove your medical expenses according the the legal proceedings and regulations. It is possible that the defense, in particular, their insurance company will ask you to send over your medical bills and records immediately. This is a clever tactic to see what you know about the legal system. If you send over these documents, you may only be them the upper hand in that they could refute the evidence or downplay your medical care.

Taking too much time to retain a truck accident lawyer. It’s all too common for people to wait too long to hire a lawyer, and these actions could significantly hinder your case. Examples of why some people might think they have to wait include:

  1. Waiting for a copy of the police report. You don’t have to wait for the police report as it is not the only piece of evidence in your case. Rest assured, the defense is not going to be waiting. Rather they will be on your case and investigating it in its entirety.
  2. Waiting for the insurance company to offer you a settlement. This is one of the most common mistakes made, and the insurance company knows it. To avoid receiving a settlement offer that is unfair and undervalued, you should hire a lawyer who can uncover evidence that bolsters your ability to recover maximum damages.

Putting any kind of trust into the defense and their insurance company. There is no law that states the insurance company has to compensate you. Because of this, they will do whatever is possible to downplay the accident or their liability. They might even deny everything you are claiming. No matter what they tell you, don’t trust them because they are not on your side.

You should not accept fault. Even if you are partially to blame, or think you are, you should not say this.  Furthermore, if the insurance company accepts liability for damage to your vehicle, it does not mean they accept liability for your injuries.

These are only some mistakes to avoid. To learn about other mistakes, or to find out how to protect your rights, call a truck accident lawyer trusts now.


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