Being injured in an accident that was not your fault is extremely difficult. You should be devoting all your time and energy to healing and getting back on your feet, but instead you are likely replaying the accident over and over in your mind and wondering how someone could be so careless. You might be feeling angry and frustrated that, through no fault of your own, you have ended up in pain, missing work, and concerned for your future.
If this sounds like you, you are also likely considering whether to file a personal injury lawsuit to try to recover some compensation for the time, pain, and money that you have spent dealing with the accident. Without question, your best resource for learning more about your potential personal injury claim and the best strategy for filing a personal injury lawsuit is to consult with a competent personal injury attorney in your area. Until then, however, consider these frequently asked questions about personal injury lawsuits:
- What will I have to prove in court? The answer to this question will completely depend on the law of your state and the kind of personal injury claim you are making. For example, if you were injured in a traffic accident, you may have to show in court that the driver who caused the accident violated a traffic law or otherwise operated his or her vehicle in an unsafe manner, causing the accident and your injury. If, however, you were injured by a product that you think was malfunctioned, you may have to show in that, although you were using the product properly and without after-market modification, your injury was caused by a defect in the design or manufacture of the product.
- How long will it take me to get the compensation I deserve? Civil litigation is known for being a slow-moving process and can take months or even years to complete. However, there are ways to expedite receiving compensation for your claim. Often, this involves engaging in early settlement negotiations with a defendant’s attorney or insurance company. Settlement can by the quickest and most cost-effective way to receive the money you need to get back on your feet. If you do not get a fair settlement offer, however, you may need to take your case to trial which will almost certainly take longer and require you to pay more attorneys’ fees and court costs. Presenting your case in front of a judge and jury, however, may be the best way to ensure that you get a fair resolution to your claim.
Remember, a personal injury lawyer Miami, FL trusts with experience practicing personal injury law will know the applicable laws in your state and will be able to offer you advice tailored to the unique nature of your local courts. He or she will be able to tell you exactly what you must prove in court, will help you gather the evidence you need, and will help you negotiate settlement and, if necessary, present your case in court. Consider calling an attorney today to find out more about what they may be able to do for you.
Thank you to our friends and contributors at Needle & Ellenberg, P.A. for their knowledge about personal injury cases.