A car vs car accident can result in substantial injuries and vehicle damage. However, if one of those vehicles is a commercial truck, the severity of the collision can be even more catastrophic. Unfortunately, many car and truck accidents happen due to truck driver carelessness. Here we answer questions regarding various scenarios, and factors which contribute to truck collisions.

Do truck drivers have to practice more safety when changing lanes?

Yes, truck drivers must be extra cautious when changing lanes. Trucks should wait a longer period of time to allow all cars to move out of the way before getting into another lane. Truck drivers often try to switch between road lanes too quickly, resulting in a preventable accident.

How many blind spots do truck drivers have?

There are three different areas that are blind spots for truck drivers, including 1) front of the truck bed, 2) back of the truck and 3) right side of the truck door. A truck driver must slow down sufficiently, and wait until their blind spots are likely clear before proceeding. Many truck drivers have to meet deadlines and are in a hurry, thus not taking the time necessary to prevent a collision within the blind areas.

If I see a tired truck driver driving oddly on the road, what can I do?

Truck drivers must arrive at their assigned destinations quickly, by driving long periods of time without much needed breaks. Even experienced drivers can become sleep deprived by trying to meet strict deadlines. If you notice the driver of a truck looks sleepy, hazy or inattentive you can take any of the following actions:

  • Honk your horn repetitively to get them alert
  • Get out of the way quickly
  • Signal for the truck driver to pull over
  • Call police and let them know a truck driver is being unsafe

What kind of injuries could a car driver face if hit by a commercial truck?

The impact of a car being hit by a truck can be very serious and potentially life-threatening. The most common range of injuries are listed as follows:

  • Back & neck injuries
  • Fractured bones (particularly extremities)
  • Head injuries (including concussions, traumatic brain injury, brain bleeding or swelling)
  • Internal injuries (blunt trauma to organs)
  • Deep lacerations (from shattered glass or broken debri)
  • Broken ribs
  • Whiplash
  • Spinal cord injury (nerve or muscle damage)
  • Wrongful death

How should I respond after a truck accident?

Regardless of how you believe you feel, a victim of a truck accident should get medical attention right after the collision. By waiting until a later time, you could be risking further complications of your injuries. After a huge event such as a car crash, our bodies respond by coursing adrenalyn and shock through our bodies. The bright side is, it can alleviate any immense pain felt in the moment. The downside is, that means you may not feel the severity of your injuries until hours or days later. By getting a physical exam by a doctor, you are being proactive and getting any necessary treatment before injuries exacerbate.

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