A brain injury lawyer Houston, TX residents trust knows that one of the most dangerous types of injuries an accident victim can suffer is a brain injury. Even what appears to be a minor brain injury can end up having disastrous consequences for a victim.

There are many attorneys that have been advocating for injured victims and their families for years. A good brain injury lawyer should have extensive experience in litigating brain injury claims and understand just how complex these types of cases can be. If you or a loved one has sustained a brain injury caused by another party’s negligence, reach out to an office near you and find out how their personal injury attorneys can help.

Symptoms of Brain Injury

Although not every injury to the head results in a brain injury, the truth is that symptoms of brain injuries are often silent. This is why it is critical to seek medical attention anytime you suffer any kind of head injury. The following symptoms are signs that there may be something wrong:

  • Blurry vision
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Dizziness or balance issues
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Headaches that do not go away
  • Lightheadedness
  • Loss of memory
  • Mood swings
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Neck aches
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Slow thinking or speech

Brain Injury Claims

According to national statistics, more than 1.5 million people are rushed to emergency rooms each year with some form of brain injury, and tragically, at least 50,000 of those victims will die from their injuries.

A personal injury attorney knows that brain injuries can happen in a number of different types of accidents or incidents. The most common types of incidents include:

Motor vehicle accidents: This is the most common cause of brain injuries. Those victims who are particularly susceptible to vehicle accident brain injuries are pedestrians, cyclists, and those riding motorcycles.

Slip and fall accidents: Many people who slip end up slamming their head on hard flooring or pavement when they land. This impact is usually hard enough to injury the brain, often severely.

Work accidents: Many work accidents result in brain injuries, especially on construction sites. Workers can fall off ladders or scaffolding, get hit by objects, or slip and fall because of spills or debris on the site.

Malpractice: Medical errors and negligence can result in brain injury to the patient. For example, an error in anesthesia can cause a surgical patient to suffer a brain injury. Or an obstetrician failing to see a newborn is in distress and is not receiving enough oxygen during childbirth can result in brain injury to the infant. A personal injury attorney can determine if medical malpractice was the cause of brain injury by examining all the evidence in a victim’s case.

Let a Personal Injury Attorney Help

Dealing with a brain injury – whether your own or a loved one’s – can be a frightening time, especially when you are unsure of what type of long-term or permanent damage there may be. A personal injury attorney can assist you by taking care of filing injury claims against the responsible party, as well as any and all negotiations.

Call a personal injury attorney near you today to find out how we can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Thank you to our generous contributors at John K. Zaid & Associates for the above information.

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