Personal Injury Lawyer
Accidents happen to hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people across the United States every single day. However, what may have seemed like just a coincidental incident, could have actually stemmed from another’s carelessness or negligence. If this is the case, then the victim in such a scenario may decide to take legal action to seek compensation for their injuries and other losses.
One of the biggest influencers of a personal injury case outcome, is the type and reliability of evidence presented. It is important to familiarize yourself with the various kinds of proof, so you can be as prepared as possible for the legal process to come.
Q: What is pertinent physical evidence?
A: When a person gets hurt in an accident, there is usually some form of physical evidence. For example, there may have been a tangible item such as a weapon which was involved in the incident. Other forms of pertinent physical evidence could be tools, cars, clothing, and equipment. This type of proof can be helpful in determining who was responsible for the accident, and what led to the victim’s injuries.
Q: Can an object I grabbed from the accident scene be used?
A: Debris, defect parts, broken glass, crushed street signs, or other items found on the ground related to the accident can be brought forward as useful evidence in your personal injury case. After an accident occurs, there are often objects on the ground as part of the location or the incident itself. What may seem like a small detail could be the tipping point in demonstrating how the other party was at-fault.
Q: Should I ask for copies of medical documentation for my accident injuries?
A: If you went to the doctor for your injuries after the accident, then you can request copies of this documentation from your health provider. Your attorney is likely to find this paperwork immensely helpful in calculating how much in financial restitution you may be entitled to for the accident. In preparation of your personal injury case, gather a file of paperwork and receipts related to:
- Prescription medication costs
- Diagnostic expenses
- Hospitalization records
- Doctor’s exams
- Diagnosis of condition/injury
- Bills for surgery or other procedures
- Other out-of-pocket or unpaid related medical expenses
Q: Can a bystander’s story of the personal injury accident be helpful?
A: Yes, it is not only tangible items that can be an influential component of your personal injury case. Statements from bystanders who rushed over to help or just saw the accident unfold can be useful. However, it is recommended that one of the Auto Accident Lawyers Indianapolis, IN residents trust speaks with potential witnesses prior to the court date, to ensure their story doesn’t conflict with yours.
Unfortunately, even a well-intentioned witness could say something that casts doubt on your side of what happened. Potential witnesses could be strangers who were nearby, coworkers, friends, or significant others who can attest to how injuries impacted your ability to enjoy daily life, hobbies and interests.
Thanks to Ward & Ward Law Firm for their insight into personal injury claims and what kind of evidence is important.