Car Accident Law firm

When a driver over the age of 65 gets behind the wheel of a vehicle, they are 16% more likely to cause an accident than a driver between the ages of 25-64. Interestingly enough, a driver over the age of 65 is still less likely to cause an accident than drivers who are under the age of 25. As a driver, it’s important to always pay attention, driving defensively to help safeguard yourself from potential hazards on the road, including other drivers. While there are a number of signs that may call for an elderly driver to give up their keys, some have difficulty in doing so. If you have been injured in a collision that was caused by another driver on the road, you may want to contact a car accident lawyer for help in seeking the damages you are owed. 

Signs It’s Time to Stop Driving

When a person reaches a certain age, it can be difficult to come to terms with the number of changes they may experience as a result of the aging process. One such freedom, is no longer having the ability to drive. Because this can be so challenging, some aging drivers may have difficulty in giving up their keys. Here are some signs that it may be a good idea to stop driving:

  • Inability to See
  • Impaired Hearing
  • Slower reflexes that make it difficult to respond quickly
  • Recent damage to the person’s vehicle
  • Difficulty keeping track of directions or where they are going
  • Near misses, meaning they are having too many close calls

Although no one gets behind the wheel expecting to experience an accident, when a person’s functioning becomes more limited with age, it may be more difficult for them to safely operate a motor vehicle. Having the ability to recognize these signs may help to prevent the occurrence of an accident. 

Gathering Evidence to Support Your Case

Proving that an elderly driver was at fault for an accident will require that you are able to provide evidence that proves:

  • Duty of Care
  • Breach of Duty of Care
  • Damages
  • Causation

In order to prove your case, your lawyer will help you to gather evidence that supports your case. Getting ahead of the process of obtaining evidence can not only help to save time but make for a strong case for compensation. It may be a good idea to gather the following evidence to support your accident claim:

  • Photographs of the damage to your vehicle
  • Photographs of your injuries
  • Statements from witnesses
  • Police Reports
  • Medical Reports
  • Your account of the impact the injury has had on you

How a Lawyer Can Help

Working with a car accident lawyer can assist victims in reaching resolutions in a timely manner to their accident cases. No accident victim should be left to manage their injuries and the expenses associated with them alone when someone else is to blame for the accident. An experienced car accident lawyer can provide you with the legal guidance needed to successfully obtain the damages you are deserving of. Contact a car accident law firm in Woodland Hills, CA today so that they may begin assisting you in obtaining the compensation you are entitled to. 

Thanks to Barry P. Goldberg for their insight into personal injuries and the risks of having elderly drivers on the road.

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