If your workers comp claim was denied, you probably feel very frustrated. Employers can choose to deny workers comp claims for various reasons. Before you file an appeal, take a few minutes to learn about common reasons why workers comp claims get denied:

  1. Your Injury Didn’t Occur at Work

If you did not suffer your injury while on the clock, your employer can deny your claim.

However, it’s important to understand that you do not necessarily have to be on the premises at your workplace to be injured while working. For example, if you are a delivery driver and sprained your ankle while walking up to a customer’s doorstep, you have still the right to file a workers comp claim.

  1. You Did Not Notify Your Employer About Your Injury Soon Enough

You do not have unlimited time to file a workers comp claim, so you should do it as soon as possible. If you wait around too long, your employer might not be able to investigate the accident or might not believe you were hurt on the job.

  1. You Didn’t Get Checked Out By a Doctor

If you didn’t seek immediate medical care, there’s a good chance your workers comp claim will get denied. Your employer’s insurance company might not believe that you are actually injured. It’s crucial to get your injury examined by a doctor right away and obtain copies of your medical records to prove that you were hurt

  1. It was a Pre-Existing Injury

If you have a pre-existing injury that’s similar to the injury you suffered at work, your employer might deny your claim. Your employer’s insurance company may dig into your medical history and believe you’re lying in your claim in order to receive money.

  1. You Were Intoxicated While You Got Injured

Your workers comp claim will most likely get denied if you were intoxicated at the time of your injury. Your employer’s insurance company may believe the accident was your own fault and could have been prevented if you weren’t under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

If you want to file a workers comp claim, it is in your best interest to hire workers comp lawyers Long Island relies on. He or she can protect your rights and improve your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free consultation with a reputable work injury lawyer today.

Polsky, Shouldice, & Rosen P.C.Thanks to our friends and contributors from Polsky, Shouldice, & Rosen P.C. for their insight into workers compensation claims.

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