Injury In Idaho

Dog Bites Are Dangerous

If you have a dog or two running around your home, you are not alone. According to the American Veterinary Medicine Association (AVMA), 36.5% of U.S. households have at least one pet dog – an amazing total of almost 70 million dogs!Being a dog owner comes with responsibilities to have the dog trained and socialized to be near both people and other animals. A dog bite or attack can cause not only serious injuries, especially in children, but also emotional and psychological trauma.

Dog Attacks Leave Long-Lasting Damage

About 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs in the U.S. each year – and half of the victims are children ages 5 to 9. A dangerous dog attack can cause serious injuries like lacerations, puncture wounds, nerve damage, strained muscles or strains as well as infection and even death. Victims may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and need long-term mental health treatment.

What to Do if a Dog Attacks

  • Move quickly away from the dog if possible.
  • Call 911 if the situation is dangerous or the injuries are severe.
  • Superficial bites by your own pet can be carefully washed with soap and water and bandaged. Watch for signs of infection like warmth, pus or swelling.
  • See a doctor as soon as possible if the wound is more serious or the dog was not yours. The victim may need antibiotics for a possible infection.
  • Be sure to get information about a strange dog: owner contact information, immunization records, history of attacks. Without valid records the victim may need a series of rabies injections.

Take Steps to Avoid Dog Bites

Attorney James Bendell advises you and your family to keep your distance when encountering a strange dog:

  • Avoid the dog’s personal space like a car or yard.
  • Watch body language closely; steer clear of a dog that is backing away or looks tense.
  • Remain still as running will encourage the dog to chase you.
  • Avoid eye contact and back away slowly.

Be especially careful at home with your own pet, especially with young children:

  • Never leave a young child or baby alone with a dog.
  • Leave the dog alone when sleeping or eating.
  • Teach your child to leave the dog alone when in a sleeping area or crate.
  • Don’t let your child rough-house with your dog like wrestling or taking toys out of its mouth.

Contact Us if You Have Been Injured by a Dog

You may be eligible for compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and emotional pain and counseling if the dog owner is found negligent for a dog attack. It’s important to reach out to an Idaho personal injury attorney for help in a dog bite case. The Bendell Law Firm of Coeur D’Alene has extensive experience in dog attack cases resulting in serious injury to adults and children. Call us at or contact us via our website to schedule a free consultation on your case. Dogs may be “man’s best friend” but if they turn on you, you need our help!

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