Not every instance of someone tripping and falling results in filing a personal injury claim. Sometimes we can be clumsy. However, if a slip and fall accident causes someone injury and another person is at-fault, then that warrants considering taking legal action. As a premises liability lawyer explains, property owners and managers are responsible for keeping their premises reasonably free of dangers and hazards. So when a resident or visitor of that property gets injured due to lack of safety or other concerns, then further steps may need to be taken.

So how do slip and fall accidents happen anyway? There are numerous circumstances and influencing variables that can cause such an incident to occur. Usually, a fall involves a person walking on a surface, losing traction, or tripping over an object. Some fall accidents may happen from a height, or on the ground. The victim may have been using a ladder at their job or just shopping on a grocery aisle, when they found themselves tumbling down. Examples of reasons someone may fall include:

  • Ice or snow on the ground
  • Wet floors
  • Oily surfaces
  • Uneven or missing steps
  • Broken flooring
  • Debris or spills
  • MIssing or broken handrails
  • Torn or loose carpeting
  • Poor lighting
  • Potholes
  • Uneven or broken sidewalks
  • Pelvic injuries
  • Abrasions and cuts
  • Uncovered tables

People who have suffered in a personal injury accident could be eligible for various kinds of compensation. These may include lost income, medical bills, physical pain, mental anxiety, household help, loss of life quality, transportation costs, loss of future earnings, and more. But in order to receive restitution, it must be proven that someone else is at-fault for the accident and the resulting injuries. Compelling evidence that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that the victim’s claims are valid is essential to the success of any personal injury case. Evidence such as police reports, photographs, medical documents, expert testimony, witness statements, and receipts are all examples of proof that can lean the verdict into the victim’s favor.

A law firm that is familiar with handling personal injury cases, similar to the team at Council & Associates, LLC, will be able to investigate further and can potentially uncover more evidence that the victim had not known about or didn’t have access to. Without evidence that points to a responsible party, the less likely someone is to obtain compensation for their loss. A lawyer can offer legal representation and advice, gather evidence to build a case, provide expert opinion if needed, negotiate a settlement with insurance and individuals, and watch out for their client’s best interests at all times.

Landlords, property owners, and its employees must work together to ensure that a property is safe for everyone, whether they are residents, visitors, or shoppers. Those who contributed to a slip and fall where someone got seriously hurt may be liable for injuries sustained. What will influence the outcome of the victim’s case will depend on the evidence they are able to bring forward.

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