If you have been pulled over, arrested, and ticketed, or charged with drunk driving, you might be wondering just how serious this offense is. Some people might be telling you that is nothing to take lightly and others may claim that if it’s your first one, you’ll probably be let “off the hook”. 

As a criminal defense attorney might explain to you, drunk driving tickets can cause several problems in your life during the next few months and even years to come. For this reason, it is prudent to consider calling a criminal defense attorney from a law firm like The Morales Law Firm to make sure you understand your case and what is to come. The laws are clear when it concerns driving while intoxicated. If you’ve been arrested and charged in San Francisco, California, you may be facing large fines and very long-lasting penalties. 

Potential Repercussions of a Drunk Driving Conviction

In the event you are found guilty of drunk driving, you may face the following repercussions, including, but not limited to:

  • Financial Problems The initial fine from the ticket is not the only cost you might expect. Rather you will very likely have to pay additional court fees. 
  • Insurance Premium Increase – You can expect your insurance rates to be increased by an average of 15-60 percent. These rates may affect you for the next 2 to five years.
  • Getting Insurance – Many insurance companies will not provide coverage to people who have more than one drunk driving conviction. This can make it difficult for you to legally drive. 
  • Jail or Prison Time If this is not your first conviction, you may be sentenced to time in jail. In the event a person was injured or killed because of your drink driving, you may face time in prison. 
  • Community Service In general, most convictions of drunk driving will result in a judge ordering community service hours. This must be completed within a period of time and outside of your normal working hours. 
  • Employment/Career Issues Several jobs require their employees to have clean driving records. A drunk driving conviction can limit your ability to find a job. Alternatively, your current job could be, in some way, impacted. 
  • Loss of License – Most convictions lead to the loss of a driver’s license for a few months or more. Repeat offenders may lose their license for more than one year. You will also have to attend separate hearings with the DMV. They could order you to driving school before you can receive your license. A traffic ticket lawyer can represent you during these hearings.
  • Child Custody – If you have full or partial custody of a child, your custody may be disrupted after a conviction of a DUI. This is especially possible when the child was in the car at the time of your arrest. 

As you might see from the above, a DUI can change your life in many ways — and not for the better. The average person might expect a financial loss of $10,000 or more after their first conviction. This is why it is so beneficial to hire a criminal defense attorney to help you fight your case. If you attempt to represent yourself or plead guilty, you will likely be given the harshest of punishments. When you’re represented by a respected traffic ticket lawyer, your chances of getting a favorable verdict increase. 

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