No matter how you look at it, divorce is stressful. A family lawyer understands that even the friendliest divorces can take a toll on a person. Sadly, this can have an effect on both your mental and physical health. However, there are some things you can do to help make the process more manageable. And, as an added benefit, you may be able to avoid some of the physical and mental complications that often accompany high levels of stress.
Acceptance Is Key
While denial is extremely common for divorcees, acceptance is critical to moving forward and managing the accompanying stress. Start by recognizing that there is little you can do to change things and that some aspects will be out of your control. Then try to consider all the things you can control; this is now your life – a new beginning, so to speak, where you get to decide what your life will look like once it is all over. And, if necessary, talk to a professional about your anger, grief, or depression (which are also considered normal).
Exercise Transparency
While, understandably, transparency can be difficult in the middle of a divorce, the process often moves along quicker (and with less cost) if you and your ex work hard to find common ground. If you have children, it may help to consider their needs over your own; if you do not, then it may benefit you to simply consider whether or not the argument is worth the added stress.
Fight Fair
It is easy to get caught up in your feelings and to want to seek revenge (especially if you feel justified in doing so), but it never benefits anyone. So, instead, focus on following the golden rule; treat your ex-spouse with the same level of respect, courtesy, and honesty that you wish to receive yourself. Do not file false police reports, do not lie, discuss insurance policies before removing them, do not call child protective services unless your children are actually in danger, and do not use social media to make jabs at your ex.
Know Your Options
Not every divorce has to go through the litigation process; those that can find common ground and work through matters with a fair amount of decency may be able to use mediation or negotiation services. This can save you a great deal of time, money, and stress. Speak with a skilled family lawyer to fully explore these alternatives.
Contact a Family Law Firm
Having a dedicated family lawyer working with you is also one of the best steps you can take to help reduce divorce stress. If you would like to learn more about your legal options for ending your marriage, contact a seasoned attorney, like a family lawyer from the Law Group of Iowa.