Injury In Idaho

Swimming Pool Accidents

During the Summer months, it’s safe to assume that there will a lot of picnicking, barbecuing, and swimming, just to name a few of the countless activities that go on during the warmer seasons.  More times than not people choose to swim at public venues because not everyone has a personal pool at home.  By swimming at a public pool, you are rolling the dice and taking a chance in the respect that extra safety precautions are to be taken.  The company or establishment has an obligation to keep you, the patron, safe, even from yourself.


It can be agreed that running in any pool, be it outside or inside, is just not a smart thing to do.  While it understood that horseplay is not the best route to taking when enjoying the pool, countless individuals both young and old engage is a bit of shenanigans from time to time.  I’m not certain if it is the poolside air or the sheer ambiance of the pool itself, but it’s definitely something.  The owner of the establishment has the obligation to make sure that all areas where patrons are permitted is free of obstructions, the water is clean, and towels provided, if any, are clean, and to make sure that signs are posted to deter the emergence of horseplay, running, and tom foolery, just to name a few.  In the event you are harmed in any way due to the lack of notification of the business owner, you may be entitled to compensation.


If you have or someone you know has recently taken a spill at a swimming pool thru no fault of our own, you may be due monetary compensation for any inconvenience caused.  The only way to be certain of the laws in your state and to quickly have the situation accessed, you must reach out to an attorney, like a personal injury attorney Dekalb County GA relies on, in your area who can better advise you on the matter.  An attorney will be able to better explain the act of negligence that is prevalent in cases where the owner/operator of a company owes a duty of care to the patrons who choose to visit the establishment.  Because swimming pool accidents is a form of personal injury, an attorney with personal injury experience will be able to review the facts of the case and direct you on what will happen next.   Your attorney will be able pinpoint the issue, determine what your options are, and with your help, devise a course of action that will aid in getting you the compensation you deserve.


Thanks to our friends and contributors from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. for their insight into swimming pool accidents.


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