Few crimes evoke more horror and revulsion than the sexual molestation of a child. Aside from the punishment of criminal justice system, perpetrators of these crimes may be sued for money damages by the victims of the abuse.  If the victim has not yet reached the age of majority at the time of the lawsuit, the suit is brought by the parents or legal guardian of the victim.
The suit may be brought not only against the perpetrator but also against institutional entities that may have been negligent in allowing a perpetrator to harm the child.  In a trial of such a case, the jury will be required to calculate money damages based upon the harm that the child has suffered.

The harm caused by sex abuse is both short term and long term. In the short term (up to two years) victims may exhibit regressive behaviors such as thumb-sucking or bedwetting, sleep disturbances, behavior problems at school and unwillingness to participate in school activities.  The child may feel guilt and shame, blaming herself for what happened. They may experience frequent episodes of fear, anger and sadness. Flashback memories and nightmares are also common. The child may begin to feel that he has no control over his life or body.

Long term effects can be vary in severity.  Child sexual molestation has been associated with high levels of guilt, depression, shame, eating disorders, somatic concerns, anxiety, repression, denial, dissociative disorders, sexual problems and relationship problems. Depression is the most common symptom. Survivors may also suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Sadly, many sexual predators convince their victims to maintain secrecy about the abuse. Some even threaten to harm the child or other family members if the abuse is revealed. There may therefore be lengthy delay between the time of the abuse and the time that parents learn of the abuse. Nevertheless, it is important that the child be evaluated by a competent mental health professional as soon as possible. Sometimes a course of psychological counseling may be beneficial. The psychologist can also help the parents understand what the child if experiencing and to watch for signals that the child’s condition is worsening or not improving.

Coeur d’Alene attorney James Bendell has represented many victims of childhood sexual abuse. Contact him if you need help or have questions about your injury claim at or by filling out the contact form.

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