It is not unusual for persons who have been in a car crash, or who have suffered trauma from some other type of injury, to first begin treating with their primary care doctor.  If the condition resolves quickly, there is nothing wrong with this approach.  However, if pain, disability or other symptoms persist, it is wise to consult with a specialist sooner rather than later.

Many medical specialist treat injury cases.  These specialists include orthopedic surgeons, neurologists and osteopaths.  However, studies have shown that the highest rate of patient satisfaction occurs when patients are treated by physiatrists.

The first question you’re asking is probably, “Physia what?” Physiatry—pronounced (fiz eye’ a tree) —is the medical specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Medical doctors who are specially trained in this field are called physiatrists.  They are sometimes referred to as Rehabilitation Medicine doctors.

Physiatrists help people who have sustained trauma from an injury and also treat those who have acute and chronic pain issues.

Unless it is obvious that surgery is required, a visit to a physiatrist is ideally the first referral for most injuries.

Here’s why: Physiatrists have a unique, thorough understanding of how the body works—which translates into a definite advantage for many patients.

When patients need surgery, they clearly need surgery. But there are many times when a patient with neck pain or lower back pain or a disc disease, can successfully be treated without surgery.

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