People who have been injured due to the carelessness or negligence of others frequently do not have the luxury of waiting indefinitely for their personal injury case to settle.  Insurance adjusters know this, and frequently use time as leverage against injured persons.  The passage of time allows insurance companies to earn large profits on the billions of dollars of assets that are eventually paid to the injured victims of negligence.

An experienced trial attorney working for an injured client must walk a tightrope in managing the client’s case.  The attorney must dissuade the client from hastily accepting a low-ball initial offer from the insurance company, but must also look for opportunities for a fair settlement short of trial.  Getting a trial date depends on the availability of dates on the court’s docket.  In Idaho, a trial date can usually be obtained within a year of filing a lawsuit.  In this regard, Idahoans are in a better position that citizens of states such as California, where it may take over three years to get a trial date.

Still, a year can be a long time for a person who is so seriously injured that he or she can no longer return to work, or to the same type of work.  Lots of medical bills can also pile up in a one year period.  During this time injured persons can fall prey to finance companies willing to loan money at high rates of interest, to be repaid when the insurance company finally pays a settlement or verdict in a case.

It is the job of the personal injury attorney to act as client advocate and counselor in every aspect of litigation.  This means appreciating the financial stresses endured by those seriously injured in motor vehicle collisions and other types of accidents.  This role includes the attorney acting as a buffer between the injured client and the financial interests of the adverse insurance company.

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