With the rush of day-to-day living, majority of people often forget to check in with their parents. People assume that their parents have super powers and even though they are aging, they simply do not need our assistance. The era of not discussing personal affairs or financials is upon us and as a society we have a duty of checking in with our parents and elders.
A simple visit with your parents weekly or a telephone call to check the quality of your parents’ life can assist in pre-planning for the future. Since the subject is one that people would prefer to brush under the rug or wait until the bottom of the basket collapses, we need to educate society on simple ways to ensure that the future of our parents is a successful one.
Seeking the advice of an Arlington TX elder law attorney for pre-planning documents such as Durable Power of Attorney’s, Medical Power of Attorneys, or Declaration of Guardian can assist for not having to rush and file for Guardianship. If a least restrictive method is available to a person, the Court will not grant a Guardianship giving you the authority to place your parents in an assisted living facility or seeking the medical attention that they may need.
Educating oneself on the signs of Dementia or Alzheimer’s and locating support groups to assist in that education can help you in managing the health concerns and assisting you with the uncomfortable conversations with your parents.Some of the initial signs for Dementia or Alzheimer’s are the inability to recognize oneself or family, inability to communicate, groaning, moaning, or grunting. When your parents begin to need help with activities of daily living, or lack of control over bowel and bladder, then it is up to you to bring this to their attention. They will be more than aware of the need for assistance but the family must come together to make the embarrassment of this issue moot and provide them with comfort and understanding.
When our parents or elders start to have increased memory loss and are confused or begin to have difficulty doing things that require multiple steps like getting dressed or taking medications, it is a sign that we are approaching legal aspects that a power of attorney can settle. However, if you do not have these documents in place and your parents or elders are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or Dementia then you will have no other option than to seek Guardianship over your parents through the Courts.
Staying in contact with your parents and setting time aside to have these difficult conversations with your parents early on can avoid Court intervention later. As difficult as these conversations may be, they are necessary and it is more beneficial for all parties to seek legal advice from an attorney to assist in pre-planning life documents.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC for their insight into elder law.