If you have been involved in a personal injury, you may be dealing with serious injuries that require expensive medical treatment. By hiring an attorney and opening a personal injury lawsuit such as the personal injury lawyer Newport Beach CA locals trust , you will have an opportunity to receive the medical treatment you need without the burden of paying up front or receiving huge bills from your medical insurance. This is done by signing a contract between a medical provider and yourself to treat on a lien basis.
What is a Lien in a Personal Injury Case?
In a personal injury case, a lien is when a medical provider is entitled to your settlement compensation in order to pay the debt of providing you treatment. To treat on a lien basis means that the medical provider (i.e. doctor) from which you are receiving treatment has signed a contract agreeing to not charge you up front for any medical bills that are incurred. Instead, any bills from the medical provider will be paid out of your settlement money once your personal injury lawsuit is closed. Thus, a lien is created against your settlement compensation.
Who Will Treat You on a Lien Basis?
There is a great number of medical providers that will treat on a lien basis including doctors, hospitals, and medical centers. Receiving medical treatment on a lien does not mean your treatment will be less than the standard of care that you would receive if you or your insurance were to pay for the medical treatment. Doctors who treat on liens are often some of the most qualified and experienced professionals in their field. Keep in mind that it is entirely up to a medical provider whether or not they will treat on a lien basis. This means that you cannot expect just any doctor you find to agree to treat you on a lien basis.
Why do People Treat on Liens?
People who decide to be treated on a lien often choose to do so because they need immediate medical treatment but cannot afford to pay it up front or do not have medical insurance. If you believe you need medical treatment for a specific ailment that was caused or exacerbated by the personal injury, then you should conduct some research to find medical providers who will treat you on a lien. You can receive treatment for body parts that had already been injured before your personal injury incident as well. As long as the treatment received is pertinent to injuries you are claiming in your current personal injury lawsuit, you may treat until you recover or reach maximum medical improvement.
How to Begin Treating on a Lien Basis
Personal references or internet search engines such as Yelp or Google are common methods of finding medical providers who will treat on a lien basis. Some medical providers require a signed contract which details the specific lien agreement. When you sign this contract, keep in mind the language and what you are agreeing to. As a rule of thumb, it is wise to have your lawyer review any contract before you sign it because you will be held accountable in court if you fail to abide by your end of the agreement. Once you have successfully begun treating with a specific medical provider on a lien basis, remember to follow up with your appointments and treatment plans in order to obtain the maximum medical benefit of receiving treatment on a lien basis. After all, recovery is why you chose to get treatment!