If you or a family member has been injured in a vehicle accident you may not be at fault. Could the road itself be dangerous enough to cause a serious accident resulting in injuries and even deaths?Government Liability Law

The Bendell Law Firm of Coeur D’Alene, ID has extensive experience in government liability cases which involve negligence or wrongdoing by a government employee.

Every day our lives are touched by federal, state and local governmental workers. Police officers and fire personnel protect us and our properties. Teachers and counselors educate and influence our children. When we visit a post office, motor vehicle department or even walk down a sidewalk, we are on property for which a government agency is responsible.

When an accident occurs on government property, whether owned or leased, that agency may be found negligent in a personal injury lawsuit just as a private business or individual may.

Road Maintenance

Whether Interstate 90, Idaho and Washington State Route 90 or local town roads, government employees have the responsibility to keep roads safe and to remedy hazardous road conditions. A road can be dangerous when its design is inferior, it is poorly maintained or a dangerous condition goes uncorrected.

Examples of road dangers seen in recent government liability cases include:

  • Missing or non-working traffic signals
  • Poles and other objects too close to the roadway
  • Inadequate rail-highway crossing warnings
  • Lack of guardrails
  • Reduced visibility due to excessive trees and other vegetation
  • Poorly banked curves
  • Improperly marked construction zones
  • Insufficient signage, missing reflective markers and faded road surface markings especially those designating pedestrian crossings

In addition to federal, state and local governments, private contractors who perform highway construction, maintenance or repair may also have legal liability.

Immediate Action Necessary in Accidents Involving a Dangerous Road

When police create an accident report they often overlook road dangers that may have caused the accident. If you have been injured in a vehicle accident that may have been caused by a hazardous road, it’s vital to consult with an attorney experienced in government liability cases to provide evidence that:

  • The road presented a dangerous condition
  • Those responsible for road design and maintenance were negligent for creating or allowing the hazard.

Any physical evidence at the accident scene pertaining to road design and condition must be collected and preserved as part of an accident personal injury case.

Government liability cases are very complicated but Attorney James Bendell, personal injury attorney in Idaho and Washington, has the right experience to present the proper evidence for your personal injury case. Call us at or visit our website to schedule a free consultation. The Bendell Law Firm will work tirelessly for your rights and to bring a favorable result to your claim.

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