Thanksgiving accidents could include anything from turkey frying accidents to motor vehicle accidents. Staying safe over the holiday could turn out to be harder to do than imagine. Not only do you have to be aware of your person but you should be aware of everything going on around you. Thanksgiving is considered one of the most dangerous days of the year concerning personal injury. Being aware could mean the difference between the hospital and spending the day with your loved ones.
Deep frying a turkey takes a little knowledge and some safety measures. Turkey fryers are responsible for 5 deaths each year as well as 15 million dollars of property damage. Always make sure the oil is at a steady 350 degrees. Do not ever fryer a turkey while it’s frozen. To ensure safety, make sure the turkey is room temperature and dry. A frozen turkey will catch on fire and could combust. Fry your turkey outside and as far away from the house as possible. Make sure there is no one who is standing directly over the turkey fryer. Keeping an eye on your turkey at all times will provide a safer environment for you and your family.
When driving during the holidays, make sure that you stay focused on the road use all safety precautions. Forty percent of deaths on the road during Thanksgiving were due to drunk driving, while you cannot control other people on the road, you can ensure that you do not impact the drunk driving rate. Most people on Thanksgiving are traveling with family. If you have car trouble, make sure you are as far off of the road as possible, make sure you respect the other vehicles on the road and do not follow too close of cut someone off.
Hunting accidents happen when one is not paying attention or are taking the necessary safety precautions. In 2016, there were a total of 24 hunting accidents reported. Out of those 5 were fatal. Safe handling of a firearm is always important, make sure you have the proper training or education and know how to responsibly use your firearm. Ensure that you are aware of the location of everyone in your party at all times. Being fatigued can raise the chances of an accident occurring, especially if it is near dusk.
All of these types of accident are preventable. With the proper training and knowledge, we can all help prevent being a part of the statistics on Thanksgiving or any other part of the year. If you are a victim as the result of and accident that was at the fault of another, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact an attorney, like a personal injury lawyer Arlington TX relies on, today for more information
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Brandy Austin Law Firm PLLC for their insight into personal injury accidents.