It can be incredibly painful to suffer from a knee injury. Daily life as you once knew it may be entirely different as you adapt to an injury that can impact you in so many ways. Functioning as you once did may not even be an option and as a result, is not only frustrating but also heartbreaking. Depending on the way the injury may have occurred and type of injury you received, you may be entitled to compensation. If so, look into options with your attorney to get treated by a professional such as the knee pain doctor Rockville, MD (+500) locals turn to.

Personal Injury

There are a number of ways that a knee injury can occur from car accidents to slip and fall injuries, and even, medical malpractice. It’s likely that you have been impacted in a negative way if you have been injured as the result of an accident. Pain from a knee injury could impact your ability to utilize your knee in the way that you once did.  If another person is found responsible for the injury you received, you may have grounds for a personal injury claim. A personal injury attorney with experience may be beneficial in determining how to move forward with filing a claim. You will be able to go over the specifics of your case and discuss the accident that caused the injury. The attorney will then review your case and initiate the personal injury claim process.

Common Types of Knee Injuries

1. Meniscal Injury

    • Meniscus cartilage functions as an absorber of any impact you experience between the femur and tibia bones. This particular type of cartilage is also vital in allowing for the knee to bend and move with ease.
    • In the event that the meniscus is torn during an accident, a person can experience incredible pain.  
    • Small tears can sometimes heal on their own with the proper amount of rest.
    • Complete tears are much more severe and complex. When a complete tear of the knee occurs, it is likely that either physical therapy or even surgery will be needed for the knee to make a complete recovery.

2. Tendon Tears and Ruptures

    • There are two types of tendons that can be particularly vulnerable in the event of a knee injury. These tendons surrounding the knee are known as the quadriceps tendon and the patellar tendon.
    • Healing from a tendon tear may require a length period for recovery that may even require surgery.

3. Fractures

    • Common Types of fractures that range in terms of severity are:
      • Stable
      • Displaced
      • Comminuted
      • Open

In some situations a less severe fracture may only require physical therapy or rest while others require extensive surgery and recovery.

An initial consultation with an attorney can be helpful in sharing case details and receiving their guidance and expertise. It will be important to be prepared to provide the attorney with important details to your case such as information surrounding the accident, the medical treatment that you received and the expenses you incurred as a result. The more information you provide your attorney with the more likely they will be to help you receive maximum compensation.

Thanks to authors at Pain & Arthritis Center for their insight into Chiropractic Care.


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