Bus Accident Lawyer

If you have recently been injured while traveling by bus, you are likely entitled to significant compensation due to the harm you’ve suffered. Bus accident cases are complex, so don’t try to negotiate with insurance companies or others involved in the accident. Reach out to an attorney who can manage these interactions for you while aggressively advocating on behalf of your interests.

Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Not all bus accident cases are legally actionable but it is fair to say that the vast majority of them are. Ordinarily, individuals who have suffered physical injuries as a result of a crash are legally empowered to sue others who are partially or totally responsible for that harm. Generally speaking, an injury victim must prove that any defendant named in their case acted negligently, recklessly, or engaged in intentionally dangerous conduct that led to the injuries at issue. Once this standard has been met, it generally becomes clear that the defendant in question owes the injury victim who filed the lawsuit compensation for the harm they caused.

You Don’t Have to Navigate Your Situation Alone

As an experienced bus accident lawyer – including those who practice at The Cohen Injury Law Group, P.C. – can confirm, bus accident cases tend to be particularly complicated because there are usually a number of “players” involved in the aftermath. Whether the bus you were injured on was publicly-owned or privately-owned, you’re likely going to need to deal with the owner of the bus, the operator of the bus, potentially more than one third party, at least one insurance company, and any other drivers (and their insurance companies) who were involved in the crash.

Don’t feel that you need to navigate all of these “moving parts” alone. In order to better ensure that these parties don’t get away with playing a game of “pass the liability hot potato,” connect with an attorney who can represent your interests in interactions with each interested party in turn.  

If You’ve Been Offered a Settlement Agreement

If you have already been offered a settlement agreement, don’t sign anything until you’ve allowed a lawyer to review the terms of that offer. If you sign the offer, you’ll likely be surrendering your right to sue. If the offer if fairly-valued, signing it may make sense. But if it isn’t, signing away your right to sue could significantly limit your ability to seek the compensation you’re owed. Have a lawyer review the terms of any offer before you sign it.

If Your Accident Was Work-Related

If you were driving the bus at the time of your crash (or were otherwise engaged in work-related activity, such as traveling to an event mandated by your employer), you may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits at this time. Make sure to contact an attorney right away if this is the case because the workers’ comp benefits system is unreasonably time-sensitive. Act fast to better ensure that you receive any compensation you’re owed.

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