Arson that falls under federal jurisdiction is defined as the willful and malicious setting of a fire to or burns any building, structure or vessel, any machinery or building material or supplies, military or naval stores, munitions of war, or any structural aid or appliance for navigation or shipping.  Arson under federal jurisdiction is further defined as the attempt or conspiracy to commit arson.

The punishment for arson under the federal sentencing guidelines is imprisonment for not more than 25 years and/or a fine the greater of the cost of repairing or replacing that was damaged or destroyed.  If the building that was burned was a dwelling, or if the life of any person was placed in jeopardy, the punishment is up to life in prison, and/or a fine the greater of the cost of repairing or replacing that was damaged or destroyed.

Arson is a very serious charge in federal court.  You need an experienced federal criminal defense attorney to fight for you, and to ensure that your rights are protected.  A federal criminal lawyer Arlington TX trusts can fight to ensure that your rights are protected during this trying time.  A lawyer will use our years of experience and knowledge to make sure that the police followed all legal procedures when preparing and filing the charges against you.  Attorneys will investigate fully the allegations made against you.

If working together and examining the evidence, you determine that it is in your best interest to have a jury hear your case, a lawyer can defend you aggressively and make sure that the jury hears your side of the story.  If your attorney and you determine together that it is in your best interest to accept a plea offer from the district attorney, your lawyer will work hard to ensure that you receive the best deal possible.  Victory in a federal criminal defense case can mean many different things, and top legal teams are committed to pursuing the best course of action for your situation.  If you find yourself being charged with arson in federal court, please call a federal criminal defense attorney today.

Brandy AustinThanks to our friends and contributors from Brandy Austin Law Firm PLLC for their insight into federal crimes.

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