Car Accident Lawyer
Many car accident victims understandably wonder if they should invest time and effort into meeting with an attorney in the wake of a crash. After all, not all car accident situations are legally actionable. No one wants to be in a position to waste their valuable time. With that said, it is important to consider what not investing your time into briefly speaking with an attorney might cost you. If you have recently been injured in a car accident, you could be entitled to significant compensation even if you were partially to blame for what happened to you. If you fail to speak with an attorney about your legal options, you may miss out on the opportunity to claim that compensation.
Injury Victims
As an experienced Monmouth County, NJ car accident lawyer – including those who practice at Kreizer Law – can confirm, it is almost always a good idea to speak with an attorney if a car crash causes you injury. If all you suffer in an accident is property damage, you may be able to negotiate an insurance settlement that is fairly valued without the assistance of an attorney because the cost of your repairs is all that needs to be considered. However, if you have been injured, the stakes of your case are higher and the likelihood that you are entitled to compensation beyond an insurance settlement is far greater.
Individuals who suffer harm due to a work-related accident are often entitled to workers’ compensation benefits as a result of that harm. Speaking with an attorney immediately after a work-related accident is key because the workers’ compensation benefits application process is unusually time-sensitive. If you don’t take action within a matter of days following your accident, the law may bar you from receiving benefits that would otherwise be rightfully yours.
Crash victims who have suffered harm as a result of the negligent, reckless, or intentionally dangerous actions or inactions of another are also likely in a strong position to pursue compensation. Most states will allow victims to pursue rightful compensation from others responsible for their harm even if the victims filing a lawsuit were also partially to blame for what happened to them.
It is important to avoid assuming that you don’t have a legally actionable case. Only after a skilled attorney has reviewed the circumstances of your crash, should you commit to a plan of action or inaction concerning your legal options.
Insurance Negotiations
Regardless of whether you suffered injury or not as a result of your crash, you may benefit from working with an attorney if you need to negotiate a settlement with one or more insurance company. Insurance companies like to turn a profit, so they reject and devalue claims when they can working with an attorney look better and sure that any settlement you are offered is fairly valued and that your rights remain protected throughout the insurance negotiations process.