Amusement parks are a classic way to have some fun in the summer. Unique rides and rollercoasters offer thrills to those who seek them, and the games are a great way to entertain yourself. However, these thrills have a certain amount of danger in their very nature. When accidents happen at theme parks, the injuries and damages can be catastrophic. If you have been the victim of a theme park accident, you may be able to seek compensation through a personal injury claim.

Due to the dangerous nature of roller coasters and other theme park rides, there is a legal expectation that the park is regularly checking that the rides are safe and properly maintaining them. This is known as the park’s “duty of care,” and when the park fails in this duty they can be found negligent. You can think of negligence as legal speak for, “careless”. If the park’s negligence becomes the cause of real injuries to someone, the park is responsible for paying for those injuries, as well as any other damages the victim might have sustained.

With theme parks, the legal concept of premises liability also applies. Premises liability states that property owners are responsible for maintaining a safe environment on their property, so that any visitors of the property are not at risk of injury. This applies to all parts of the park, be it uneven sidewalk that may cause injury, or rotting bridges that people may fall through. However, it also can apply to the condition of the roller coasters and rides that are in the park. These are a part of the property, and the park owners are fully expected to maintain them so that they do not cause injury to someone either riding them or walking around the park.

If you have been the victim of an amusement park accident, you need to contact a skilled attorney, like a personal injury attorney Atlanta GA can count on, in your area right away. With the potential for such serious injuries, you need to make sure that you have serious representation. An attorney with experience in premises liability and personal injury will be able to break down the relevant laws of your state and apply them to the details of the your case. As these are very complex areas of the law, only an attorney will be able to create a truly effective case which will ensure that you receive the compensation you need in order to heal at ease.

Andrew R. Lynch, P.C.Thanks to our friends and contributors from Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. for their insight into amusement park accidents.

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